New Features
Customise your Customer Search
The customer search window can now be customised to enable a cleaner search result. Utilities - Help and Support / User Params. / System Parameters / C - Customers
POS Scanning Box Barcodes
Sympac's POS now allows you to easily scan box barcodes by setting up the pack size quantity against the box barcode.Once the barcode is scanned, it will automatically pick up the quantity defined.This will also pick up the alternate UOS discount if data is found that...
Improved Document Reprinting Interface
The POS reprint screen has been rebuilt to provide a faster process for printing. See the printing information you need within a few key strokes. You will see the most recent transactions on your terminal and all document types available – providing you with a more...
Quick Tendering
Looking for an easier way to speed up tendering processes? We've got you covered! A new button on the POS screen has been added to create efficient and quicker tendering. These options are terminal-based and can be set per terminal or across all terminals- what ever...
Label Que Maintenance Filtering
We've added more column and price filtering options to benefit you finding the information you need faster.Column Filtering We’ve expanded the filtering options available with a new filter button available on each column. This feature will help you get down to the...
Customer Statement Options
The customer statement process has been extended to allow for setting customer accounts up with a specific setup. This will allow running a single statement run for all customers.Invoice Attachments The statement run can now attach a reprint of the relevant documents...
Enabling the Product Dashboard
The Product Dashboard is an interface which brings displays all of the relevant information about a product on a single screen. It can currently be accessed through F10 More Details in Point of Sale, and in Product Search windows. Enabling the Product Dashboard...
Customer Orders – Reminder Dates
Wanting to set specific reminder dates for customer orders? A Reminder Dates field has now been added to Point of Sale under the Details tab. This is saved on Customer Order documents, and is able to be used separately to the Date Required.For help in using new...
Introducing Sympac Go Quick Lists
Need to collect a list of barcodes and quantities fast? We’ve got you covered. Introducing Quick Lists – a new feature on Sympac Go which allows you simply gather a list of barcodes, without needing to validate barcodes against products when scanned. See the link...
SYM-PAC’s new features : a selection of enhancements
Enjoy a selection of our current enhancements. 1: Customer Docket Transactions The Customer Docket Transaction now allows you to list the transactions that were processed at a given branch. 2: ETA Exceptions — new filter ranges The ETA Exceptions enhancement has a...
SYM-PAC’s new feature : Ruralco EDI Integration
Ruralco EDI Integration Purchase Orders > Product Matching CRT stores currently create purchase orders online using the Ruralco website.The store then downloads the created order in XML format to input into the SYM-PAC software.With no matching process for...
SYM-PAC at the CRT Ruralco Conference 2019
With a great response from the CRT members — both existing and new contacts — the vibe was nothing but electric at the 2019 CRT National Conference in Adelaide. Both Nicky Johnson and Rob Goulter attended this year's event, with a very warm welcome from...