Help Desk 03 5649 6200 | Sales 1800 796 722

Our Services

How we do business


  • Safety first – through Planning, Developing, Adjusting & Implementing.
  • We listen to the needs of Retailers & their Buying Groups.
  • Customised Software – we don’t sell a boxed set, we tailor the software to your specific need and Industry.
  • We participate in an electronic partnership with the retailer and their buying group.
  • Our client confidentiality is a very strong and critically important feature of the way we work. Our staff and directors are governed by strict and binding confidentiality / secrecy agreements.



  • Developments of all products are controlled at the highest level by the directors of Sympac Solutions.
  • Catering for the needs of retailers with software that allows them to capture measure and monitor their data so they can easily analyse their performance and quickly make the necessary management decisions required to improve their business.
  • Similarly, we cater for the needs of the buying groups by finding out what information and communication they require from their members in order to analyse the performance of the group, monitor their results, highlight issues, and have the data necessary to make educated management decisions as required to improve their service to members and the overall results for the group.

How we work



A quality solution only begins at software

Evaluation of any total solution is not based upon software only.

Software can be developed to anyone’s specifications. However, it is not only the quality of the product but the design, implementation and after-sales service that makes it an effective answer for your business needs.



Scope & Analysis

At Sympac we’ve identified the key areas to cover to provide successful business management and solutions consultation. We save you time, money and provide you with the support to back you up when you need it.

The scope, or introduction, is an important element of business analysis. This is where we establish your business needs and goals face to face with our business development team for a full overview. An analyst is introduced to expand on these requirements and identify any additional areas of business to be addressed. The analyst will look at your business with systematical and technical approach ensuring the correct solution is defined.



Implementation Approach


We put change management first.

We recognise that changing systems can be a difficult exercise due to the fact that many companies find it difficult to accept and adjust to change.

The focus of our implementation and client services teams is to minimise the impact of a new system on your business.

It’s our intention to allow your business to continue as smoothly as possible, with changes introduced at the pace specified by the store owners and managers.

As the store’s experience grows our client services team will help your business embrace the more extensive parts of the system improving your productivity, manageability and profitability.



We equip you to maximise your return on investment.

Without sufficient training a new system will not provide the maximum possible benefit for your business.

We have a very hands on approach and all of our training staff have years of industry related experience and business improvement know how.

Client Services


Sympac Help Desk Services

After your Sympac system implementation is complete, you will move to being looked after by SYM-PAC’s Client Services & Help Desk team.

All calls to our Help Desk are registered and logged into our internal Customer Management system, so that we can help you efficiently and track every enquiry. When you call the Help Desk, your call will be answered and resolved immediately if possible. If the issue cannot be resolved straight away, a technician will return your call as soon as possible to assist you.

If you’re unable to process your customers’ sales at Point of Sale on all Point of Sale machines, you should log your call as a priority. Your call will be handled as promptly as possible, if not immediately.

Every incoming call is allocated a unique Call Number for identification. Our clients are immediately sent a fax or email indicating the call number, the nature of the call and the date/time recorded.

The Help Desk service is provided between 8.00am and 6.00pm (for your local time), seven days a week, and all public holidays except for Good Friday and Christmas Day. Outside of these standard Help Desk hours, you can contact us on the Client Services number and leave a message. When answered, these calls will be treated as registered Help Desk calls, and responded to when the office is attended.

To make sure that your call is resolved as quickly as possible, please write the call reference number on the top of any supporting documentation and fax this to us on 03 5622 3694.

If you require information about the call, always quote the original Call Number so that we can give you the most up to date information about the call.





Logging a call yourself

Within Sympac’s current version (v.8), users have the option to log a call themselves. This data is sent through to the Help Desk, together with your information and your comments, so as to hasten the response and resolution times wherever possible.


Franchise & Buying Group Head Office reportage

There are number of report options available for Buying Group or Franchise Head Office requirements. Buying group representatives can arrange this with our Client Services management as required.

Our strength is in how we make you strong
— our business is built on growing your business, your efficiency, your profits.


To find out how Sympac can work for your business, call us on 1800 796 722 today.

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