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SYM-PAC at the CRT Ruralco Conference 2019

.. connecting with CRT members in Adelaide

With a great response from the CRT members — both existing and new contacts — the vibe was nothing but electric at the 2019 CRT National Conference in Adelaide.



Both Nicky Johnson and Rob Goulter attended this year’s event, with a very warm welcome from the group as always.

Our main focus this year was to speak to the members who are a part of the CRT group about the EDI Ruralco Net Interface we have developed for them.

This is an interface which creates great efficiencies for stores — both small and large. Stores place their orders online through Ruralco Net and the online order is electronically bought back into SYM-PAC as a purchase order.

Once the goods arrive to the store they can be receipted and stock control including pricing is maintained and up to date with the push of a button.

Rob Goulter, Business Development Manager (left) with Greg from Country Co.

Nicky Johnson, Business Development team member (left) enjoying her dessert!

Rob Goulter (left) with Rob from Middlemount.

Chris (left) and Bill Hawkin of Bacchus Marsh Farm Supplies.

Lynelle from Country Co (left) with Nicky on the stand.

If you didn’t get a chance to speak to Rob or Nicky at the Expo and would like some more information on the Ruralco Net EDI Interface to SYM-PAC simply call the sales team on 1800 796 722, or email us directly at


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