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Welcome Johnson Brothers Mitre 10

Welcome Johnson Brothers Mitre 10

Welcome, Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 to the Sympac Family! Our recent installation of the Sympac System included five large-scale stores including Pendle Hill, Avalon, Monavale and Narrabeen in the Northern Beaches of Sydney...
Newsletter March 2022

Newsletter March 2022

Have a read of our latest newsletter where we Welcome G-Gay and Co Mitre 10 and more new stores to the Sympac Family, along with some of our latest reminders. Sympac Newsletter March...
Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 Changes

Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 Changes

In the 2019–20 Budget, the Government announced that Single Touch Payroll (STP) would be expanded to include additional information. The expansion of STP, also known as STP Phase 2, will reduce the reporting burden for employers who need to report information about...
Welcome Bolts Galore to the Sympac Family

Welcome Bolts Galore to the Sympac Family

Welcome Bolts Galore to the Sympac Family! At the recommendation of staff who have seen the process efficiencies and margin control of Sympac in prior companies, the team decided to implement the system in the stores at Carrum Downs and Pakenham. The team took to the...