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SYM-PAC User Group @ the Mitre 10 Expo : Jan ’14

by | Jan 30, 2014 | News

  • Trade Online
  • What are KVI’s & what can I do with them?
  • Click & Collect — what’s best practice?
  • Auto Replenishment & System Based Ordering — what are the methods & what should I use?
  • Store Performance Analysis: identify areas which perform well or poorly so you know where to take action in your store!
  • Statement Stuffers — what are they & how does this work?

… and much more!

SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '14
— Mark Schmutter took us through a full agenda for the day

All these curly questions and a lot more were covered enthusiastically by nearly 100 of us at the recent User Group held the day before the Mitre 10 Expo in January ’14.

Following the success of the first Mitre 10-specific User Group in July ’13, held at Mitre 10 Head Office in Hallam, we were delighted with the response we had to adding this day to the front of the Mire 10 Expo week.

Our focus was to give people the opportunity to get together and hear all the latest from SYM-PAC that will benefit their stores directly.


Who was there?

Nearly 100 people attended from across the country — including:

  • the Mitre 10 Business Development Managers and State Manager Vic-Tas Greg McKean,
  • the SYM-PAC team attending — Karen Reynolds, CEO; Mark Schmutter, GM; Glenn Watkinson, Client Services Manager & Rob Goulter and Micheal Goodwin from Business Development
  • old customers,
  • new customers — some not even installed yet!
  • and also some stores who are not (yet!) SYM-PAC customers but who were interested to see how we do things.


Thanks for your involvement

Thanks to all the people who got involved on the day. For us, it’s always about the SYM-PAC community interacting with one another, more than it’s about us “presenting” to you!

We thank Mitre 10 for their support in making this day happen, and we hope this event is the first of a continuing tradition — thanks to everyone for their input and feedback.


SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '14
— Another full house, this time at the Gold Coast Convention Centre

SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '14
— Greg McKean, Mitre 10 State Manager Vic-Tas, taking the floor to talk about the Mighty Rewards program

SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '14
— Another productive day with lots of practical information to take back to the store