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SYM-PAC User Group for the Mitre 10 Expo : Feb ’15

by | Feb 27, 2015 | News

A fantastic User Group event to kick off the Mitre 10 Expo this year!

Nearly 100 attendees from Mitre 10 and True Value stores all over the country participated in this year’s event.


SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '15


We mixed things up this year to get people moving and talking and thinking about all the big focus this year — being “consumer driven” — it’s all about the customer!

For us at SYM-PAC this is about us helping you to service your customers. This is one of our key drivers — making sure that our solutions free you up to concentrate on customers and build your business.

We covered a huge range of material in an action-packed program.

SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '15


→ Followup from 2014 — Where are we at:

Overview of SYM-PAC’s activities and focus since the last User Group, and discussion of our plans and goals for 2015.

SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '15


→ SYM-PAC Trade Online:

An overall review of SYM-PAC’s Trade Online [here], with the spotlight on the latest features, including the new “Review Contract Price List” function now available.


→ Mighty Rewards Integration:

An overview [here] and a full update on what’s new:

  • Mighty Rewards Exclusive Pricing
  • Mighty Rewards — using Apps to Store Card Details
  • Mighty Rewards Customer Inserts


→ EPG Builder:

A full review of this new module & what it allows stores to do — create, edit and update an EPG from ANY supplier and add what they need to their product master file

More on this amazing new feature soon!


→ SYM-PAC eDocs:

So what’s this new function all about?

How to file and attach electronic documents to Customers, Suppliers and Products — to have a closer look, [read more here].


→ Contracts & Discounts:

Discount structures, customer groups — and how to work these functions to your advantage. The newer features were covered too — Customer Watch List and Integrating Contracts with SYM-PAC Trade Online.


→ Customer Orders & Purchase Orders:

Everyone uses Customer Orders — but not everyone links these to their Purchase Ordering processes. We covered the how and the why. Also discussed Managing the Customer’s Expectations and the support tools built within SM-PAC to help you do this quickly and easily.



What is CRM and what is SYM-PAC’s CRM? We covered this new buzzword and showed the power of how stores can easily use prospecting, tracking, communication, visitation and reminder functions within their business — making the most of the customer data they already have within their SYM-PAC system.

Take a closer look and [read more here].


New: Customer Workshop!

This year we delivered a workshop as part of the User Group event. All the participants broke into groups to discuss their favourite SYM-PAC features and what works best for them in their business.

What stands out is how important some of SYM-PAC’s core features are to all types of stores — big, multi store operators, as well as smaller operations.

Some stores realised that while they were currently very satisfied using 50% of SYM-PAC’s features in certain parts of their business, in order to step up and meet future challenges, they really needed to start using the full range of SYM-PAC tools at their disposal.

Other stores shared business processes they had put in place, using SYM-PAC reports as triggers for ongoing performance measurement with their sales staff and department managers.

Time and time again SYM-PAC’s Contract Pricing, Mighty Rewards Integration [here], Suggested Ordering / Auto Replenishment [here] and Signature Pads Integration [here] come up as the most tried and true and most relied upon aspects of SYM-PAC for your retail business.

We also talked about:

  •  Auto Email [here] & Signature Pads [here]
  •  Agency Invoices for Inwards Goods
  •  Buy-in Products [here]
  •  Alternate Products
  •  Hints, Tips & Development Feedback


SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '15

SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '15

SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '15


Thanks for being involved!

Our thanks to everyone who took the time to attend the User Group and engage on the day! Special thanks to all the Mitre 10 staff for their contribution, especially Greg McKean, State Manager Vic-Tas, Kerry McDowall, Retail Systems Team Leader, and Sally Thompson, Business Analysis Team Leader.

SYM-PAC User Group : Mitre 10 Expo '15
— Nicky Johnson (left) with Tony Ioppolo of Walkers Mitre 10, WA, State Award Winner! & winner of the User Group giveaway of the Lenovo Thinkpad 8, and Glenn Watkinson (far right)