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As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, I thought it timely to update our customers on our current position. Our philosophy is to focus on the health and wellbeing of our people, our clients and our partners as our first priority, and to take an informed approach that is sensible, balanced and respectful of our diverse community. We are doing this by ensuring our approach is always based on the expert medical advice of Australian Authorities.

This balanced approach aims to take into account the health and wellbeing impacts of COVID-19 itself, and the secondary consequences of any response we make. This includes impacts on our country’s health system and the ability to provide care to those that need it, minimising disruption of service to our customers, and the potentially damaging economic impacts for of any extreme measures undertaken by business.

As we understand and reflect on the growing body of information about COVID-19, we feel that it is important to take a calm and balanced view which evolves over time, making sensible assumptions about the likely impacts and to focus our efforts on practical, meaningful responses. We are actively evaluating responses based on the reality of their effectiveness and being guided by the medical expertise of Australian Authorities.

The spread of COVID-19 will naturally have an impact on where our people work, including: some taking time to rest and recover if they become ill, others working from home as a preventative measure, and some working from home as the policies of our customers dictate. We have also employed rotating shifts with some of our staff – alternating between work from home and in office time to help reduce the risk of any service level reductions.

We have a robust IT remote access infrastructure in place, enabling all of our people to work remotely, should that be required. Support calls can continue to be logged via phone or via the Request Remote Assistance function of the software and will be answered by our staff regardless of where they are working.

Where our customers experience a suspected or confirmed case, we are working with them to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our people, including working remotely where appropriate, or indeed requested by our customers.

We remain fully operational and most of our customer work is continuing as normal. If you are booked for onsite work we will contact you directly to discuss the most appropriate method of achieving the required outcomes.

Minimising disruption to our customers is a high priority for us, second only to the health and wellbeing of our people, customers and partners. We look forward to providing you with continued service throughout these unique times.

Please feel free to contact us directly if you have any questions or concerns about this advice.

Kind Regards,

Mark Schmutter