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Margin Review & Extended Pricelist Reporting

SYM-PAC How To : Are all your products achieving the margins they should be?

A simple way to determine products within your business that may not be achieving the GP you think they are is with the use of the Extended Pricelist report.

This report is able to show you the products that are at — or below — a particular GP% so as that you can quickly correct these products and get back to making the margin you expect.

To run this report, from the Main menu, select Stock & Sales | Reporting | Extended Price list.

Margin Review & Extended Pricelist Reporting


As you can see from the selection criteria  we’ll be reporting on:

  • Department “102” Treated Pine
  • Reviewing all product with a GP% less than 35%
  • Sort Sequence of (2) Dept / FLC / Description
  • Ignoring all Obsolete Product
  • Printing Gross Profit $ and Percentage


This report has many additional options that would cater for a range of other purposes, including:

  • Print Max Disc %
  • Print QTY On Hand
  • Print QTY Sold

Margin Review & Extended Pricelist Reporting


The report shown here, based on the selection criteria above, will now display all products that are achieving less than a 35% GP on based on the retail price. This could also be run based on all 5 price categories.

These are all items that can be easily adjusted in Product Alter, or via SYM-PAC’s Table Magic module, and imported back into your SYM-PAC system — correcting your margins quickly and easily.

Margin Review & Extended Pricelist Reporting


This report is a great tool to manage and review your GP% by area of your business, and to make sure that margin is not being lost.

It’s very easy to report and distribute to your staff — giving them the information they need to take responsibility for the margin in their departments.

The addition of the SYM-PAC Margin Magic product would give you an even greater advantage in managing your margins and creating “what if” scenarios seamlessly in your business.

SYM-PAC’s Margin Magic is an extensive management tool that allows you to:

  • Interrogate the margins you are making throughout your business,
  • Create worksheets,
  • Create what if scenarios based on live data and seamlessly integrate these changes directly in to your various label queues

… and so much more.


For more information on SYM-PAC Margin Magic, or any of our other products, contact our Sales team at or 1800 796 722.



:: How to

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