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Remember to book in ahead with Sympac.


This is a project that takes time to plan the desired outcome for your business to continue trading for the new and old owners. There is work behind the scenes to be implemented for a seamless business changeover. Be sure to book in advance to secure a space.

Please take a look at the documentation below and book in advance to ensure we can cater to your needs:

The 1st section is for the current owners to complete.

The 2nd section is for the new owners to complete.

Please complete this to the best of your ability.

The training registration discusses who is going to hand over the knowledge of Sympac with the new business owners.

These training areas must be passed over to the new ownership.

Sympac can quote on training if required. Just complete the training sheets indicating who will be taking responsibility for the training.

Once complete, please email to at your earliest convenience so we can begin the transition to the new business owners.