Help Desk 03 5649 6200 | Sales 1800 796 722

Emerald Mitre 10

I love the SYM-PAC Point of Sale system! It’s user friendly and very easy to use.

   SYM-PAC’s Inventory Management features have made a real difference to us in the store. Suggested Ordering especially speeds up the ordering process, making sure nothing is forgotten!

   The wide range of discount structures available in SYM-PAC makes it easy for us to cater for special Co-op shareholder pricing.

   The Help Desk staff are fantastic. They’re quick to respond and helpful far beyond expectation.”

James McConnachie

(Previous) General Manager, Emerald Co-op Mitre 10

Customer Profile:

  • With SYM-PAC since 1999
  • 12 users across 2 locations
  • Emerald, Vic.
  • Buying group: Mitre 10
  • In business since 1945

Why SYM-PAC is our choice:

  • Multi Store functionality reduces time and effort in the back office
  • Signature Pad integration for proof of purchase & delivery
  • Mitre 10 integration
  • Auto Email feature for email communication with customers & suppliers
  • Suggested Ordering